5 Ways to Influence Employee Behavior for Cultural Fit

A new employee’s ability to contribute to the team is as much dependent on how they “fit in” as it is on their skills. Joining a new team is tough, especially one with a strong and embedded culture. A positive company culture is a huge strength for your company, but it can mean it’s a […]

5 Parts to a Differentiating Company Culture

In recent months, I’ve published several blogs on improving company culture. We all know that culture is a critical—if not the most critical—success factor in the business world. Our people are our most valuable asset, and creating a culture where they can thrive is the only way for them to be consistently effective, productive, and […]

5 Questions to Open the Door to a Better Workplace Culture

Most of us understand how important it is to foster a positive culture in the workplace: an environment that encourages collaboration and autonomy. A culture of learning, entrepreneurship, and cultural diversity where employees feel inspired and important. But the jury is still out on the best way to get there. This post suggests a relatively […]

The Robots are Coming: Are you ready for the newest enterprise software trend

The times they are a-changin’. If there’s any guarantee in business these days it’s that today’s technology will look very different tomorrow. If you’ve been working for a while, you may remember when off-shoring and outsourcing became buzzwords and then common language as companies took advantage of cheaper labor costs overseas and elsewhere. Before that, […]

2 Unique Corporate Training Options: Thinking Beyond the Classroom

Have you ever started a workweek on Monday knowing that you had a week full of training ahead of you—and dreaded it? The long hours sitting in a chair, knowing that only about half of what you heard (if that) would be relevant to your job? Pretty sure that by the third day you’d be […]

The Big Data Revolution and How It’s Going to Change the Game

I know you’ve heard of Big Data. It’s a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot these days, but I find that people often have a misconstrued understanding of what it is and what it really means for the ever-changing business landscape in which we operate. First, Big Data basically just means a set of […]

The Best Way to Create a Learning Culture: Let your employees lead the way

Learning Culture

Today’s business landscape changes at lightning speed and companies need to keep up to stay relevant and profitable. That means continually learning and adopting new technologies, ideas, and strategies. With the ever-faster-changing world that we live in, this need has inspired a movement towards cultures of learning—specifically addressing within a company’s culture the ability and […]

5 Reasons Strategic Alliances Fail

Strategic alliances are not easy to execute. A successful strategic alliance requires thoughtful decision-making, purposeful planning, and sincere collaboration

5 Reasons Product Launches Fail

If you try to find the exact percentage of product launches that fail, you’ll find many different studies with many different conclusions. Any one of them could be true—depending on how you define success. But regardless of the exact number, it’s high—which begs the question, why? Sure, some ideas were never destined for success. But […]

Creating a Culture of Risk-Taking

What critical qualities does a business need to achieve long-term success? A great idea, a solid business plan, invaluable human capital? Sure. But there is an x-factor in today’s climate that can make or break many businesses when change is the status quo and stagnancy means failure. This magical element is the culture of taking […]

4 Soft Skills You Need to Succeed

When applying for a job, you probably spend hours toiling over your resume aiming to show yourself in the best light. You list any and all positions, skills, and achievements that make you the best candidate. But there is something critical to success that even the perfect resume is unable to showcase. Soft skills, though […]

5 Unique Ways to Engage Your Customers

In today’s world of social networks and interactive media, the opportunities to engage your customers go far beyond selling and delivering your products and services. When you don’t take advantage of these opportunities, you aren’t getting the most out of your customers nor are they getting the most out of you. Gallup’s John Fleming and […]