The Future of Music: Digital Rights or Wrongs? At the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco May 7, 2007

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On May 7th, at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, I’ve been asked to moderate a panel on the Future of Music. I’ve decided on a few key topic areas to take the panel. They are: Music Sharing – Is it possible to move towards legal sharing methods, where artists and copyright holders are appropriately compensated? What will music rights and creative license mean in the world of new technologies? How will we access and enjoy music? What is the value of Music – Is 30 cents really worth it to eliminate DRM? Is the Internet surpassing radio as a means of music discovery? Will the recording industry business models be forced to change in order for the major labels to stay in business over the next few years?

If you would like me to consider other topics, or have questions you would like to ask the panel during the open Q&A, please comment on this blog post. I’ll post the answers shortly after the event.

If you are in the San Francisco bay area and would like to attend the event, tickets can be purchased online or at the door.

TED COHEN, Managing Partner, TAG Strategic; Former Senior Vice President, Digital Development and Distribution, EMI Music
RICHARD FRENCH, CEO, Avvenu; Former Senior Vice President, Open Source Development Network, Moderator
GERD LEONHARD, CEO, Sonific; Co-author, The Future of Music
LEE SHUPP, Vice President of Business Strategy, Cheskin; Board Member, Association of Professional Futurists; Musician