Happy 2009

Quoting Neil Gaiman quoting Neil Gaiman quoting Neil Gaiman: May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and…

The Christmas Song

I've known Natalie Brown for a couple of years and have always been impressed with her magnificent voice. Recently she posted a video of her rendition of "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts Roasting on An Open Fire). Here it is for your enjoyment.

A funny Christmas Letter

Humorous holiday family portrait showing overachieving Wannabe family with World Cup trophy, Nobel Prize, architectural blueprints, and Latin-speaking German Shepherd in Norman Rockwell styleIt’s that time of year again when holiday cards come with those unpersonalized letters that explain everything a family has…

If only …

Hindsight is 20-20. The record labels have never had great foresight, otherwise they may now been offering concerts, ticketing, merchandise,…

Train to Tampere

I really like taking the express train from Helsinki to Tampare, where one of the teams I work with is…

2008 Mobile Rules

Last week, the 2008 Mobile Rules dinner celebrating the finalists in 6 different categories, was held at the San Jose…

Is the US at risk of a digital music retail monopoly?

Perhaps the demise of the CD will come more rapidly than first thought. Over the Christmas holidays, the number of downloads on iTunes skyrocketed, proving Apple's smart tactic of selling iTunes gift cards at retail outlets. Since then more indicators are emerging.

For the Love of Gaming

I realize just how much I don’t understand the recent history the gaming. Last week I was provided with the…

I’ve joined Nokia

On December 4th 2007, Avvenu was acquired by Nokia. This means that the Avvenu services will now be provided by…